For the 70th anniversary of the Citroën Type H, the brand decided to refresh the memory of the icon of the French automotive industry. The characteristic corrugated metal body, front drive and design referring to the style of the French brand are just a few factors that translated into the success of the old van produced in 1947-1981. In total, 473 289 units of this model hit the market, which most often appeared as a van with the HY description. The first models had 4-cylinder gasoline engines, generating power at 52 hp. Despite the passage of decades, vans of this type are still undergoing renovation and approved for road traffic. Currently, they are mainly an automotive curiosity among brand fanatics, or a way of conspicuous business promotion. On the 70th anniversary of the creation of this model, it was decided to combine the old design with the new range of commercial vehicles, i.e. the Citroen Jumper.
A special visual package (bodykit) was used to transform the modern Citroen Jumper into a style associated with the iconic Van H model. Citroen didn’t resume the production of the body of the old vehicle, it was decided to simplify the solution, i.e. order the creation of a bodykit to an external company. FC Automobil produced only 70 such sets, which consisted of over 20 elements. On the market, however, you can find solutions from other companies that have designed similar bodykits on their own. Certainly it is an interesting solution that allows you to better present a company van or even a food truck.