Ford Transit door handle - exterior door handle, interior door handle The door handle for the ford transit is an elementary part of the body that allows the doors on the van to be opened and closed. Car door handles are used every day. Without them, we would not be able to get into or out of our Ford transit. Our online shop carries a wide range of door handles for all Ford Transit models - from MK2 to MK8. The service life of the door handles is estimated to be several thousand uses. It's normal for Ford Transit door handles to deteriorate during daily use of the van. We use them practically every day. Our shop offers exterior door handles, interior door handles, equipped with a cable and without a cable. The ford transit door handle is made of plastic and is therefore exposed to weather conditions. The plastic can tarnish a little over time from the sun. Remember that in addition to comfort, the door handle is also responsible for the safety of your vehicle. You will find all types of door handles for your ford transit in our shop's range.
Ford Transit door handle - defects Door handle failures in the ford transit are mechanical in nature. The most common door handle failures in the ford transit are:
- pulling out the door handle,
- broken locking cable,
- damage to the ford transit door handle spring,
- breakage of the side door opening mechanism,
- loss of the locking cable from the catch,
- breakage of a plastic part.
Ford Transit door handle types - exterior driver's door handle
- Driver's door inner door handle,
- Passenger door handle exterior
- Passenger door handle interior
- exterior sliding door handle
- Interior sliding door handle
- rear door handle,
- ford transit tailgate handle.
How do I replace the door handle on a Ford Transit? Replacing the door handle on a Ford Transit van is very simple. Simply unscrew the old door handle and pull it out of the door. The new door handle is then screwed into place on the Ford Transit. In the case of sliding doors, it is also necessary to hook up the cable from the door lock.