Transit hose, brake lines, hoses, radiator hose, heater hose, hydraulic power cable.Transit hose, brake lines, hoses, radiator hose, heater hose, hydraulic power cable. When we buy the van, such as Ford Transit and look under the bonnet, we may see the engine and all the accessories connected with each other by the cables, the wires and the hoses. In each of these hoses flows some liquid or the air. These are very important elements of the internal combustion engine. Without them the fuel couldn’t reach to the engine, and to radiator – the antifreeze coolant, the brakes could stop working, every type of our Ford Transit 2013 to 1989 would stop working at all, without fluid flow even the our engine couldn’t be able to start. The hoses under the car bonnet don’t frequently failure by themselves. It is true, that it may happen that the hose will start wiping during the driving by another element and, consequently, will be worn in such way that fluid will begin to escaping from it. It can be prevented for instance by controlling the engine compartment. Ford Transit hoses are usually made of very hard and tough rubber, that can stand fairly high temperatures and high pressures inside the cable and changing weather conditions.