Transit gasket set. Transit seal set, gasket head, oil pan gasket, o-ring, zimering, complete seal set.Transit seal set, gasket head, oil pan gasket, o-ring, zimering, complete seal set. When we buy some seal in order to repair the car, we often don’t realize that for one moment after dismantling one element, we would have to change some another and with it the rest of seals. Ford Transit seal set is great solution for do-it-yourselfer of Ford Transit models MK7 – MK2 and other people, who want to repair their engine. The seal set in terms of price is more profitable, than buying the single seals separately. The parts of typical Transit 2.5D 2000 seal set are for instance: the head seal, the oil pan gasket, all kind of o-rings and many others. In total, this is a really large set, which is enough during the 2.5D engine overhaul. The seal set available in our store come from only reliable manufacturers and with all responsibility we can guarantee, that nothing wrong shouldn’t happened with them. For many years till now we’ve been using them in our service. The customers, who use our service for their Ford Transits are so glad and don’t complain about the re-leaks, what provide about the perfection of seals sold by us.