Transit head gasket, leasing head, Ford Transit head gasket replacement, new head gasket.Transit head gasket, leasing head, Ford Transit head gasket replacement, new head gasket. The customers usually decide on head gasket replacement, when they notice a leak from under the head. It make no sense to caulk by a silicone or similar products, because inside of the head there is a high pressure, so over the time the silicone will be pull out, and the whole seal and the head won’t be suitable for repair. Therefore, many service personnel and ordinary users of Ford Transit MK7 - MK2 don’t want to risk of engine damage and they decide to buy a new head gasket, because only then will they be able to see whether the leak is still there or not. During the head gasket change, the heads are also given to regenerate, so that the head and the new head gasket perfectly adhere to each other and wouldn’t cause of the leaks. In Transit Center we offer the head gaskets for Ford Transit in every engine variant. The gasket isn’t reliable element, so sooner or later the driver of van such as Ford Transit will have to decide on replacement of this element to avoid further accidents of drive train.